Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Blues?


Monday’s have become the most disliked day of the week like somehow the beginning of the week is doomed to be the worst. The way I see it, Monday (like any other day) is a fresh start, a new beginning. It does not matter what happened last week or even yesterday, those days no longer exist. The one that does however is today. So how do you choose to spend your day?  Do you choose to spend it complaining and dreading the week you have ahead of you? Or can you see it as a day just important as any other and decide to live in the present moment and enjoy what is at this exact moment?

                     Always waiting for the weekend or a certain day you have something planned does not make that day any more special when it comes. Saying things like, “I just need to get through this week and then I have the weekend,” just prolongs your happiness. Today has just as much power and opportunity to be the best day of your life as Saturday does. Many of the great philosophers always taught the importance of staying in the Now. And many modern day spiritual gurus like to say things like “go with the flow,” but can you truly say that you do so? Can you truly say that you wake up each morning without thinking about all the things you have to get done that day and the days ahead instead of just taking a moment to breathe and have gratitude for the fact that you have this exact moment right now to live and be well? 

                  You don’t have to wait till the weekend to be happy and free because you've gotten all your work done the days prior. When you’re at work, BE at work. Try not to start counting how many hours you have left on the clock or how many days you have before your next day off. Enjoy wherever you are at every moment. When you start to view every day as a day full of room for happiness, not only will you be much happier, but it will become effortless. You will realize that no amount of work or duties can determine your happiness and well-being but you yourself. YOU are in control of your own life and happiness. Not a day of the week. So why not make today the best day of your life?

My affirmation for the day: 
I shall see beauty in everything my eyes meet.
I shall love everything my mind thinks.
I shall BE.

Happy Monday and enjoy your week everyone!


Photos by The Man, The Myth, The Legend,


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