Friday, March 14, 2014


I was inspired to write a blog when my inner writer started tugging at my soul asking to be remembered. Inspiration is funny. You can find it in almost anything at any moment if you allow yourself to let go of your preconception of what it should look like and embrace what it is already.  It comes to you in a flash and can go away in the next. That’s why when it comes, don’t let it go. See where it leads you and explore the creative genius in you that is there at all times, just waiting to be awakened. There is nothing like seeing the end result of something you had doubts of accomplishing. 

I waited a very long time to start my blog. No time felt right at the moment. Inspiration came little by little, whenever I was ready for it and didn't push divine timing. I got lost in the doing of the blog that I went astray from the feeling behind it. The reason I was doing the blog; what I wanted it to not only embody but bring forth to the world. After many pondering moments and countless day dreams it finally came to me.

I want to show the world what it’s like to be free. To not be constricted by social norms or limited beliefs, and to choose who YOU want to be and what YOU want to do. To share my wisdom and love I've come to know over the years in hopes my truths and inspiration will awaken other’s own. I created this blog to express my own soul essence and how I choose to embody my Self each and every day. Life is not only meant to be lived fully, but freely as well. Free as the birds and open as the sky. Life is a beautiful creation waiting to be explored and I've been on the journey of exploring it and sharing what I discover.

After all, what is life with love if it is not shared, anyway?

So enjoy and Welcome to the journey of the soul, Awakened Rose


    Photos by my good friend, and amazing photographer



  1. Hi dear, you have adorable blog and great post, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know I will follow you back. xoxo

  2. Amazing pictures. ♥
