Friday, August 1, 2014


                Every one of us in some shape or form, are in a relationship. Whether that means the relationship we have with ourselves, the one with our families, the one with our friends, etc.  And the basis of all relationships are built from the same thing- love. They also all have the same projections mirroring each other as what you may see in a romantic relationship. The jealousy, the fear, the control, whatever it may be. And it is our duty, as conscious observers of Self, to examine every relationship in our life and ask ourselves what purpose it holds.  

                Start asking yourself some questions. Do they love me unconditionally? Do they support me intellectually and spiritually? Do they motivate me to be the best version of myself? Are they positive people in general? The questions you ask yourself are going to be different for everybody, because everybody has their own way of receiving and expecting love. But start asking yourself some questions, and start examining all these aspects of your life.

                People like to separate their relationships with their families, friends, and lovers all into three different categories. Yes, there are different dynamics between the three but as far as how someone makes you feel on a soul level, there is no difference. Your heart doesn’t know categories like boyfriend, mom, friend; it only knows the way it feels when the other person is around, or when you think of the person. This is major in regards to who you surround yourself with.

                A lot of times we stay in friendships that don’t make us feel good, belittle us, or that we don’t really have that same connection with anymore. This could be because they’ve been our friend for so long and we’d feel bad for leaving the friendship, we think this is how “friendships” just are, or we are afraid to be friendless. But in a romantic relationship where our lover doesn’t make us feel good anymore, we have no problem eventually leaving the issue and calling it a “break up”. But feel we can’t “break up” with our friends, or even our family. So we stay in these relationships thinking that this is the way it has to be, thereby accepting limited love into our realities.

               We get involved in romantic relationships with people knowing beforehand that they aren’t everything we want in a partner but tell ourselves we shouldn’t have such high expectations, thereby settling for what’s currently being offered. This in turn leads to us unconsciously  getting upset with our partner for not living up to those standards we had initial the relationship- which the partner has no idea about. We think it’s our partner’s fault for not giving us the love we need, or not being the amazing person we thought they were, when in reality we knew exactly who they were when we met them. We just hoped some of those other aspects would change, would get better over time, or we’d get used to coping with.  We settled. And now we’re left in a relationship that makes us happy but not completely satisfied, and tell ourselves that this is love. 

               Now I’m not saying to go call everyone who doesn’t pour love onto you and tell them you want them out of your lives. First, ask yourself if you love yourself unconditionally, because that is the root to all the problems you are having with others not giving you unconditional love. Secondly, start thinking of those people that came in your mind while you were reading this, because most likely those are the relationships you need to take a second look at. Tell them how you’ve been feeling and listen to their response with an open heart; and if you already have told them and they’ve continued with it, they already gave you your answer. And third, don’t let the unknown possibilities of tomorrow deter your choices. No one should settle for any kind of relationship that doesn’t satisfy them completely. The more we make the choices to better the love we not only give ourselves, but receive- the more it’ll come.  

                Don’t be afraid to let go of whatever you need to let go of in your life. Only good can come of choosing the path of greater self-love. Everyone gives and receives love differently, so just because someone isn’t able to give you what you need, doesn’t mean they are incapable of love, it just means they are unable right now, to give you the love you need. But there are people out there that are. There are people that are able to give you the kind of friendship you’ve hoped your friend to give, or the type of love you yearn for from your lover. We need to stop settling for anything less than that.

                The more all aspects of our life align with the love we have within, the more abundant our life will become. Every single aspect of our life has the potential to be everything we want it to be. The only thing in the way of us attaining that is our courage to take those steps, and our faith to believe in them.

       Affirmation of the Day:
I am worth more than what I've settled for in the past


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Letting Go of Control

Letting go of control is the beauty of life’s dance. It allows you to flow freely with what is and accepting of what is to come. It’s those moments where you’re not worried what the next sentence will be, because you are falling in love with the one you’ve just written.

A lot of us have grown accustomed to believing that if we don’t have control on our lives, all will go to hell and we would go bat shit crazy. We have decided to reside in a space confined within the chambers of our own fear; and deny any fret from our fleeting hearts. Sometimes, we may not even realize we’re doing this. It seems so natural. “I woke up 20 minutes late, now I don’t have time to get ready!!”, “So and so canceled, NOW what am I going to do??”, “My cars not starting, how am I going to get to work?!”


Let go of all those little voices in your head telling you that whatever you’re facing is bigger than your own will.
Let go of all those times something didn’t work out the way you wanted, and allow yourself to see what has come from it.
Let go of the boxes you order your life within, and allow your soul to be free of the baggage, free of the burdens of an unknown tomorrow.


Now letting go should not be confused with giving up or pushing away, which all come from intents from our wounded ego; letting go comes from liberating our soul. I am not saying that by letting go, your life will be “perfect” and you will never be late or never have a quick change of plans. But I am saying that those experiences won’t affect you as they may now. You will not be attached to any particular outcome; and therefore not one can trigger you. You may not always know what’s coming next, and that can be scary at times. But once you let go of the need for things to happen a certain way, you allow new and exciting things to lighten your days.  

The world at large is going through many changes, and just as many are going on individually. And it can seem like you are walking through life with a blindfold at times, unaware of what’s coming next or what steps you need to make to get to the “next.”  But I promise you that it does not matter what is to come, for what is to come doesn’t even exist. What does is right now. And when your right now is an open flow of possibilities, that’s how many will enter.
So let go and let be… and watch your life unfold in a beautiful symphony.


PS. FOUR NEW POEMS POSTED!!! Read them here at Poetry for the Soul
And I wanted to say thank you, to my Australian mates for showing my poetry so much love. My poems receive more traffic in Australia than in the country I reside, USA; and I think that is extremely awesome!!

Photos by my dear friend, Taylor Overton Photography
IG: @tayloroverton

Monday, June 16, 2014

Allowing Your Path to Unfold

                Sometimes it can be difficult for us on our journey’s to trust the path ahead of us. Life has a way of making us feel like we are on this continuous rollercoaster that is always turning this way and rising that way. So determining what’s coming next in our lives can make us feel doubtful and anxious. Most of us tend to like definite answers, especially when it comes to matters of our own lives. We see the signs and the clues the universe is sending us but still search for a more concrete answer as to which step to make next, or which direction to turn. We as humans have a tendency to enforce so much control upon our lives, thinking it is the only way to live a civilized one, and completely disregard all trust we have in our path unfolding in divine flow without all the extra anxiety and sleepless nights.

                Personally, an aspect of flow I’ve had challenges overcoming is not knowing if I made the “right” choice or not. The roads I have traveled overtime and recently have been ones not usually taken by others, so I didn’t feel like I really had a platform or any reference points on which steps to take next. The path ahead looks like a blank road, which is enticing in the sense that it holds so much potential, but nerve wrecking in the sense that you don’t know what the hell is going to come from that infinite possibility.  I think a lot of people around their twenties can relate to this feeling. It’s around the time in our lives when we naturally start thinking about our future and the steps we need to take now, to get there. It’s the time where most people have a pretty good idea of who they are and what they want and are in the process of transforming their life to match. This also happens to be where we get a lot of flak from our peers and the people around us if our path happens to be an unusual one, or something completely different than the one we were previously on.

                Going through this process of creating your life and making your dreams come true can seem like a lonely one. It may seem as if you don’t know what the hell you are doing with your life and if you’re making the right choices but you must TRUST the process. Not everyone is going to agree with you and see your vision but they don’t have to, it’s not their life you’re living. The feeling of loneliness you may get is only your soul nudging you to see the authenticity of your being, and to not seek within others. The less we input so much control on our lives and let them naturally unfold, the more miracles will begin to occur.  It is the moment where we put our hands down and trust our power as Creators, when our life turns into everything we hoped it would.

                So the problem is not whether or not we are on the right path, or that we are at a crossroads and aren’t sure if we should go left or right. Our soul already knows these answers, it is already telling us them too. The reason you cannot hear the voice of your soul is because the voice of your fear is louder. Quiet the mind and you will see the path is not one of ups and downs like the analogy of life tells you, but a spiral spinning inward, returning home.  And then you’ll see that it doesn’t matter which step you take or which direction you turn, for each choice will allow you to see the alignment of your soul, and takes you closer to home.

So let go of everything holding you back from complete trust and let your life flow as a divine river of love


Photos by

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Galaxy Within / Without

Within me is a galaxy I have explored many, many times. Within me is galaxy in which holds all life. The galaxy within, is the same as the one without; only I have the power to Love inside and out. 

                Earlier this week I talked about what it means to show up for ourselves and putting in the energy into nurturing our souls and showing ourselves the love we yearn for. To add on to this topic, I want to go more into detail about the internal aspects which alter once we have done the shadow work and cleared some of those lower emotions and how it affects the whole. 

                Once you begin to awaken to all those essences within that were trying to be heard, you sometimes feel a sense of vulnerability, and nakedness. Like there is nothing left of you… but yourself. And the bareness you feel from within, to without; is the same vastness of the universe you feel and see.  It is the micro and macro, the all infinity. It is complete nothing, and absolute everything. It is where not only your truth resides, but universal truth as well. This is the galaxy within us.

                The more you tap into to your internal universe the more the external will match it. It all begins from within to without. This is how you create the world you wish to live in. You create your sacred space within, and expand it out. So that whatever you do or whatever you create, it is an extension of that sacred space. It is a part of you. A part of the whole. This realization is life-changing; for the self and for the whole. We realize our power and sovereignty of being able to change the world, just by altering the one we live in.

                Speaking in terms of this type of vastness is what leads us to the reality that we are all One. It shows that if what is in our external reality is but an extension of ourselves and the galaxy within, then literally we are One with what is in front of us at all times… it is US. Whether that be animal, human, or plant, it is all an aspect of ourselves; it would not be in our reality if it wasn't. This is The Universal Law of Oneness.

                So we not need to BECOME enlightened or BECOME a better version of ourselves. We must UNRAVEL. Until all that’s left is the Truth. And the truth shines like a million stars forming cosmos around our veins and into our hearts. It awakens the galaxy within us that knows these divine principles, and knows the power of creation and acts upon with loving intent. This is how we bring peace on earth.  We are ALL and We are ONE.

Namaste xx


PS. View my FIVE NEW POEMS here at Poetry for the Soul

IG: @Tayloroverton

Monday, June 9, 2014

Showing Up For Yourself

                A lot of the time we don’t want to face what’s in front of us. We don’t want to see what our soul is telling us. We don’t want to confront these feelings of fear, doubt, anger, and stress and see what they’re about. And that very act of pushing aside our feelings by means of telling ourselves that we shouldn't feel a certain way is what brings upon those same feelings of shame, judgment, and fear. It’s an ongoing cycle until we break apart from the cloud above of us and feel the sun within our soul.  Not allowing ourselves to be with our feelings and presence completely and ask ourselves why we’re feeling a certain way, sends a message to our soul that it’s not okay to FEEL. And that the only emotions that are OKAY to feel are the ones of joy, laughter, and love. We push aside those darker feelings of fear, anger, and sadness as if they don’t exist.  And by invalidating the existence of the dark, we are invalidating a part of ourselves because we are all made up of the dualistic forces of light and dark.
                  When we aren't fully connected and integrated with those messier, scarier aspects of ourselves, we aren't fully whole. And we use spirituality, or other uplifting mechanisms that make us FEEL good and ignore the parts of us that make us feel like shit. 

                At this time a lot of people have gained the wisdom and knowledge of ascension and the world around us, but there is still an awakening journey within. The infinite nature of the universe can be easy to get lost within. We gather all of this information and experience all of these events but keep it in the mind without fully integrating these experiences with the body. Because that’s where the dirty work is. That is where all the shit we have piled up all of our lives is and it looks pretty scary and tiring to clean it up. 

                But it doesn't have to take till your 50 years old and have a mid-life crisis and you realize you really don’t know who you are and what you want because you never gave yourself the option to think about it and choose. Don’t look at doing the inner work as this horrible process that’s going to take years to get over everything you've been through. Look at it as nurturing your Self. As putting the energy into healing yourself because you love yourself enough to do so. Sometimes all this takes is sitting with yourself with no distractions and letting yourself know that you are HERE. And that it is okay to feel whatever you may feel. The more you visit that little sacred space within, the further it expands and the further you embody the Sacred Self and the divinity within… and that's when it will start to become your external reality.


 Photos by the magnetic, Taylor Overton Photography
IG: @Tayloroverton

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Love, Wisdom, and Power

                The three essences in which we live by and expand are the ones that make up the Threefold Flame. The three flames that form this trinity are love, wisdom and power. By experience, we are continuously expanding and transforming this threefold. We go through heartbreak and learn a little more about love, we explore the unknown and in turn gain more wisdom; we go through sacrifice and learn more about power. These essences are that which make up our life force. The desire within us.

                We ignite the pink flame of Love by knowing what it feels like to love without any conditions. We love without attachments and learn the virtue of love that is free and boundless. We see that which others call true love is all love in itself. We learn that compassion doesn’t only comfort but it heals. And that the love beaming from our souls is a love that sees no limits, and no labels- only that same love in return.

                We spark blue flames of Wisdom when we allow our soul to speak. When we merge and integrate the higher heart, with the higher mind. Our hearts have been on a journey and have let go of every part of it, but the wisdom gained. And we use that wisdom not to input it on others and force it into their truth, but to light up our own. Words do not need explanations when you are speaking from whatever truth is in your Now. They will be effortlessly understood. And living in that space of openness and understanding, allows you to not only be a clear channel for your higher self and divine wisdom, but allows you to understand what others are saying without judgment or confusion.

                Wisdom fuels the fire to your Power. Your soul sparks vibrant yellow flames of integrity and empowerment. We see that true power comes when we have stood in our integrity and lived by the words of our soul. This does not mean we never fear, it means we walk through fear untouched. Unattached. Because we know our power isn't within our fear, it is within our Love and Wisdom. And we live by Love, Wisdom, and Power not as laws in which we abide by, but as essences we are.

                This trinity speaks upon that which fuels our desires. We all want love, and have our own ways of receiving it. We all wish to be intelligent and have different means of stimulating our minds. We all strive to be self-assured and feel empowered in different ways. Embrace whatever Love, Wisdom, and Power means to you and watch your fire grow. This is our driving force, the flame that ignites enlightenment. The holy grail. All which we seek is within us. There are flames ready to be sparked!


      Photos by the lovely, Taylor Overton
IG: @tayloroverton 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Transforming Your Life


               I would like to take a moment to say hello to LIFE and appreciate all that is at this exact moment right now. Hello to all that we are surrounded by right at this moment. To feel nothing but joy and love from all that we have done in our lives up until now. All words ever spoken. All thoughts ever thought. All roads ever took. LOVE what has been. Love is the purest form of transmutation. It heals. It sets free. So by loving what it is you are and what it is you have been, you break yourself free from any fear or doubt of what IS. You have no attachment to the past and no attachment to what will be. You are free. And the awareness of that kind of freedom allows you to swim through the vastness of abundance and fly through the airs of possibilities. So LET’S FLY! Let’s let go of whatever it is holding us back in any way and open ourselves up to all that is. All the infinite amount of possibilities we can tap into instead resurfacing ones that don’t feel good to our souls. Let’s stand in our power as creators and KNOW that whatever it is we want, no matter how broad, or how vast it may seem,  is in no way a tall order for our soul’s. Our soul already knows its power; it already knows what it wants and what it can create. All that’s left is integration. To integrate all you have done in your life up until now, all words ever spoken, all thoughts ever thought, and roads ever took and to sit with that feeling for a moment. BREATHE. And release.  And know that what has remained is the purest essence of your soul. And that you are ready to BE that essence.

                Let that feeling wash over you. Let the abundance and joy of life light up your would. And know that not only are the Grand Creator of your universe but you are the Grand Receiver as well. Let your heart reside in that knowing. And watch your life transform.

Affirmation of the day:
I Heal.
I Integrate. 
I Transform.


Photos by the amazing, Taylor Overton